Our Sensai's
Below you will find the Sensai's at Hei-Jo Shin Jujitsu, to be classed as a Sensai you need to achieve your 2nd Dan Black Belt in Traditioanl Jujitsu.
Renshi Sensai Paul
3rd Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I started studying martial arts in 2005. I started studying Striking based arts including Taekwondo (yellow belt) and kickboxing (green belt). I began to study Jiujitsu in 2008 as I found it to complement my study of Biomechanics as an NHS clinician. I find Jiujitsu to be a complete martial arts system that offers a wide range of skills (striking, floor, ground, locks and weapons) for self-defence. After studying Jiujitsu for 14 years I feel that I have learned a lot but am still learning and have much more to learn!

Sensai Ramunas
2nd Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I studied Boxing and was an International European fighter, Alongside that, I was also an old-style full contact Russian-style kickboxer, with this, I also did pankration which is fighting without rules, I first started JuJitsu when David asked me to teach him how to punch, and I ended up liking jujitsu due to the variety of teaching I have incorporated into my own fighting style, I liked it that much that I continued training and I haven't looked back.

Sensai Nikita
2nd Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I have studied Jujitsu for 16 years, and I believe that Jujitsu can help with defence as well as mental health, it has helped me tremendously with dealing with stress.
unfortunately, because I am a young woman I have faced challenges where I've had to defend myself and others, without the knowledge and skills I have developed studying this martial art I wouldn't have been able to defend myself or them.
Because of jujitsu, I have become more confident, knowing that I have the skills to deal with a situation in a multitude of ways.
I find Traditional Jujitsu is a fantastic martial art as it covers all areas and the knowledge is endless, to this day I am still learning new things that help me in not only Jujitsu but my day-to-day life as well.

Sensai Huw
2nd Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I started studying judo at the age of 6 at the Porthcawl school of judo under Pat Coldwell and the Coldwell family. Then a few years of Okinawan Karate whilst Living in Saudi Arabia. Dabbled in Shotokan and Kyokushin Karate in my teens when I moved back to Wales, then started kickboxing when living in Portsmouth, and then tried a few of the local south wales kickboxing clubs which lead to wanting to explore Thai Boxing and training in Island Muay Thai, Muay Thai Boxing Gym in Ko Tao, Thailand Then in approximately 2005 started jujitsu and have reached Black belt or above in 2 different associations.
Our Sempai's
Below you will find the Sempai's at Hei-Jo Shin Jujitsu, to be classed as a Sempai you need to achieve your Black Belt in Traditioanl Jujitsu.

Sempai Gerwyn
1st Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I have studied Traditional Jujitsu for 18 years and I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing as it's not only taught me how to defend myself and my family from an attack but also self-discipline and respect which has helped me through my everyday life.
Alongside Jujitsu I have studied a number of other martial arts through 16 of those years, and I have learned many valuable lessons which I have incorporated into my knowledge base today. However, those arts only focus on one area of defence, whereas Traditional Jujitsu covers all aspects, which is why I still study the art today. It's given me plenty of ways to protect myself and my loved ones, in a society where you can be jumped by a group of people for just walking by, but its not just about the defence its taught me lessons i can apply to everyday life with success.

Sempai Marie
1st Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
To come soon.

Sempai Chris
1st Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
To come soon.

Sempai Kirk
Jujitsu Black Belt
To come soon.

Sempai Kiel
1st Dan Jujitsu Black Belt
I study traditional Jujitsu because I have a love for ground fighting, and with traditional Jujitsu, I was always learning new methods to improve my capability on the ground, Alongside the ground aspect, I found that because of the wide variety of teachings both traditional and conventional I was able to adapt my own style of defence making great use in grappling techniques. There is always something new to learn with traditional Jujitsu and no week is ever the same which is why I still study today.